The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Tree ordinance getting another look


More changes to Fayette County's tree protection ordinance may be coming.

Among new restrictions being considered are tougher restrictions on timbering operations.

Buffers around the perimeter of property being timbered, and rules stating that a certain number of trees must be left standing, even in the center of a clear-cut parcel, are among the provisions.

If the changes are approved, timbering companies also will be required to gravel the entrance to any timbering site, to prevent trucks from tracking mud onto roads. And if they do track mud, they'll have to clean it up.

County engineers presented the proposed changes to the county Planning Commission last week, and commission members suggested some modifications, which will be worked into the document for further consideration at the commission's next work session, Feb. 15.

If the Planning Commission approves a set of changes, its recommendation will go to the county Board of Commissioners for final action.

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