The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Tyrone may face wetlands snafu


Tyrone's new $500,000 ballfields could end up costing the town a lot more if officials discover that alleged wetlands lie under the fields.

Dennis Chase, representing the Line Creek Association, told the Town Council Thursday night that he believes the town is in violation of the EPA's regulations concerning wetlands.

Chase said he originally became aware of the site when Bob Adams Homes was considering the location. Chase told the builders that there were potential wetlands at the site.

Chase believes there is up to a half-acre of wetlands on the location of the five new ballfields and urged town officials to try and solve the problem through a proactive attitude.

"If there's a violation and you do it on your own, you could save up to $100,000," he said.

The biologist said it was his opinion that the site did contain wetlands, but the ultimate decision would be made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Chase also chastened the town for faulty silt fences at the location and poor drainage control.

"There's three bales of straw that are not doing anything," he said.

After the meeting, Town Manager Barry Amos said the town had every intention of checking out the allegations, but said he believes the town will be vindicated.

"I've looked at the National Wetlands Inventory Map and it doesn't show up," he said.

Amos said the town is having engineers evaluate the site and render a recommendation.

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