The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Math textbooks on display


Math textbooks proposed for Fayette County students to use for the next seven years are now on display at the LaFayette Educational Center, in room 207.

Mathematics coordinator Kay Seabolt and exceptional services consultant Chris Horton presented the books being proposed by a staff committee during Monday night's Board of Education meeting.

The proposals are the culmination of two years of work, said Seabolt.

"They are student-, parent- and teacher-friendly," Seabolt said, adding, "homework supports what's taught in the classroom."

School Superintendent Dr. John DeCotis said selection of books is an annual process, with a set of books approved each year, and reevaluation of each set required every seven years.

Cost of buying the books and training teachers in their use is usually about $1 million, he said.

The committee is recommending:

For grades k-5, the McGraw Hill Mathematics series.

For middle school, the Glencoe Applications and Connections series.

For high school, the Glencoe series.

For exceptional children, the Saxon Math program and supplemental materials for elementary and middle schools, and Glencoe books for high school.

The books will be on display for a month, with plans for board adoption at its Feb. 19 meeting, 7 p.m. at the Board of Education office on Stonewall Avenue in Fayetteville.

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