The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Tyrone sewer deal could hook up schools


Tyrone's efforts to tie into Fairburn's wastewater treatment plant could have a new player involved the Fayette County Board of Education.

During its annual retreat Saturday, town leaders learned that Fairburn will probably have the okay from other municipal governments in Fulton County to proceed with its wastewater treatment plan within the next two months.

Once Fairburn officials get the okay, Tyrone leaders will have to fork over $570,000 in fees to Fairburn for its portion of the excess capacity at the plant.

Tyrone's leaders said now is the time to consult school board officials on possibly getting involved in the process.

"I think there's an interest from some of the school board members and from [school superintendent] John DeCotis about getting out of the sewer business," said Councilman Ronnie Cannon.

Currently, the board runs a treatment facility on Jenkins Road that serves the three schools in the area.

Tapping on to Tyrone's capacity at the Fairburn plant would cost the system about $250,000, but Tyrone leaders said that money would be recouped shortly from not having to pay any of the maintenance and operations on a sewer plant.

It would also enable the school system to close the plant on Jenkins Road, which has come under fire in the past because parents did not like having their children go to school so near a sewage treatment facility.

Under the agreement, Fairburn will provide Tyrone wastewater treatment capacity through Fulton County until its new wastewater treatment plant is built.

The contract stipulates that Tyrone can purchase 250,000 gallons of daily capacity until the plant is built.

Tyrone will pay Fairburn the wholesale rate that Fairburn pays Fulton County, plus a 15-percent premium charge.

Fairburn will supply Fulton County a $4 million performance bond to compensate the county in case Fairburn does not build its own treatment facility. Tyrone will split the cost of the bond.

After Fairburn builds its plant, Tyrone will pay the city on a monthly basis, based on Fairburn's operation and maintenance municipal rate.

Fairburn is building the plant to provide sewerage to residents and businesses to the east of U.S. Highway 29 to the Tyrone town limits.

In order to induce Fairburn to build the plant, Tyrone agrees to pay the city for $570,000 within 30 days of completion of the contract.

Tyrone will receive a credit that will be prorated over the 30 years of the contract.

Tyrone will be responsible for the installation of all gravity or pressure sewer lines installed in unincorporated Fayette County, Fulton County, Fairburn or Tyrone that is necessary to complete the agreement.

Tyrone will be solely responsible for the maintenance and operation of the sewer collection system.

If Fairburn decides to expand its wastewater treatment plant, it will notify Tyrone and Tyrone will have the option of purchasing more capacity.

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