Sunday, January 14, 2001

It's in the cards

Local churches helping Nevada children's home


The holidays may be over, but don't throw away those Christmas cards! Residents at St. Jude's Ranch for Children in Nevada can recycle them.

Fayetteville First United Methodist Church and Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City are just two of the many area churches that annually collect cards for St. Jude's.

Hundreds of holiday greeting cards have already been received by at the religious education office at Holy Trinity and Fayetteville will continue its collection until Feb. 19.

Once the cards are delivered to St. Jude's, the children carefully cut the card fronts and glue them to preprinted card stock. For each acceptable card created, the child receives 15 cents, which is divided between his or her savings and college fund, "cottage fund" for special group outings, and to provide some extra individual pocket change.

The card recycling project began 30 years ago. The children used the previous year's Christmas cards to make new cards to be sent to supporters of St. Jude's in appreciation of their donations. The recipients of the handmade cards were thrilled and asked the children to sell them the special cards. Since then, the project has grown to include all types of greeting cards and custom orders are accepted for any occasion.

St. Jude's Ranch provides a home for children between the ages of five and 18 who have suffered abuse, neglect or abandonment. It was started by Father Jack Adam in 1967 and serves children of all races and faiths. The ranch exists almost exclusively through private donations and fund raising efforts.

To send cards, forward them to St. Jude's Ranch for Children, 100 St. Jude's Street, Boulder City, NV 89005-1618. Cards may be purchased by writing to St. Jude's Ranch for Children, P.O. Box 60100, Boulder City, NV 89006-0100.

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