Friday, January 5, 2001

Flu vaccine remains available at Health Dept.


It has been an extremely unusual year for us all regarding influenza vaccination. But thankfully, the waiting for vaccine to arrive portion is over.

We thank you, the citizens of Fayette County for your patience and understanding.

At this juncture, the Health Department staff has already administered some 2600 flu shots. However, we would like to inform everyone that it is still not too late to take flu and pneumonia immunizations.

Yes, the flu season has begun. However, peak influenza activity (over the past 18 influenza seasons) has peaked January through March.

The vaccine will provide immunity two weeks after the injection is given. If taken now, it will provide protection during this peak period.

Pneumonia vaccine can be given at any time of the year and is always kept in supply at the health department.

If given at or after age 65, pneumonia vaccination should provide lifetime immunity. If taken before age 65, a one-time booster of the pneumonia vaccine can be administered after age 65.

If you have been putting off getting your flu shot, or if you had simply forgotten about it because of all the delays weve experienced this year: theres no time like the present. Come in today.

Our hours of operation are 8:30-4:00 Monday through Friday. If you have questions, please call us at 770-461-1178 ext. 5416.

Have a safe and healthy New Year.

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