Friday, January 5, 2001

WASA approves contract to oversee construction work


The Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority approved a contract for up to $50,000 so an engineering firm can help supervise the construction of three new pump stations in the city.

Although WASA employees will be involved in the construction project on a daily basis, General Manager Larry Turner said there are some tasks that they can't do, such as reviewing shop drawings and performing a final inspection.

The supervision contract went to ARCADIS Geraghty and Miller, Inc. of Atlanta. Although the price estimate was higher than usual, that was because the pump stations are in three different locations, Turner added.

The authority has already approved a $584,350 construction contract for the pump stations one by Lake Peachtree, one behind the Publix shopping center and one off Stratford Court.

In other business, WASA also elected its officers for 2001. John Gronner will remain chairman and Ted Taylor will remain vice chairman.

Mike Harman was named the authority's new secretary-treasurer to replace John Williams, whose five-year term has expired. New WASA member Steve Bradley, who took Williams' place, was welcomed.

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