Friday, January 5, 2001

Madras is top middle school


Coweta County's newest middle school is also its highest ranked in a new survey by an education foundation.

Each year, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation analyzes each of the state's schools using test scores and poverty rates to present an overview of how schools rank across the state.

This year, out of 416 middle schools in the state, Madras Middle School ranked 43rd.

Other middle school rankings included:

  • Arnall Middle School-135th.
  • Evans Middle School-159th.
  • East Coweta Middle-160th.
  • Central Middle-243rd.

The foundation averages the math and reading scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. The report card also figures in the percentage of fifth grade students with scores above the 50th percentile in reading and math.

The study also looks at the poverty rate for each school. The poverty rate is determined by the number of students eligible for free or reduced lunches.

In the high school rankings, Northgate High School ranked 62nd out of 319 schools across the state, while East Coweta ranked 92nd and Newnan High came in at 112.

In the last few years, Coweta County schools have come under fire for lower rankings in tests scores compared to several other school systems throughout the metro Atlanta area.

But the school system has realigned the curriculum and Superintendent of Education Richard Brooks is encouraged by the rise in test scores and school rankings he has seen occur in the last two years, he says.

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