Sunday, December 17, 2000

America at the plate


Last night, Wednesday in the year of our Lord 13 December, 2000, we witnessed America at the plate.

It was in the ninth inning and there were two outs and two strikes and America was in a tie game. The stakes were very high and it was not about who sat in the White House or which party was in power but the stakes were about the "soul of America."

We have received and better listen to this latest "wake up call, and call to bat." Once again, this is not about a certain party or politics or a certain candidate, it is about the very soul of America.

I spent almost one third of my life overseas and witnessed America from across the waters and saw how much the rest of the world needs and depends upon us. I witnessed that when America coughs, the rest of the world gets a cold.

Solzhenitzen spoke before the congress and called America a "moral leader." You may not even agree with this or may not even want the responsibility, but it is there. Isolationism is not possible. One way of the other, America speaks. I strongly feel that God has set our nation aside for greatness and whether we like it not we have the mantel and have the "uniform" on and we are always "in the game," whether we "want to play or not."

I further strongly feel that America's ship had lost its mooring and was adrift with storms rising and grave days ahead. I just need to come out and say it here, I don't believe America could have stood four or possibly eight more years of the administration we just endured. Again, this is not about being a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent. It is about the soul of America.

As I have stated before, I was a Southern Democrat for half of my life. I didn't leave the party, it left me.

I believe we have received the coach's wake up call in several areas. We need to do some major reform in our voting procedures and to "get out the vote." We saw where complacency and voting shifted the election several times.

I feel that the nation under this new administration needs to put the skids on the homosexual juggernaut and its anti-family agenda that is being foisted on America and our youth. Our military needs rebuilding from being number seven to number one.

The naming of several of the Supreme Court judges will happen in this administration. We saw how important their decisions were. God bless the ones that had the moral courage to stand up and be counted to make moral decisions. Heaven help the ones that "abstained." When America is at the plate, it's not the time to "abstain" and remain "politically correct."

Your and my "time at the plate" comes at different times in life and although they may be few, we need to step up to the plate, take the bat, make our decisions, plan our strategy, watch the ball and swing. We must remember as Americans we are a team, not a bunch of special interest groups wanting our agenda always on top.

The issues of the unborn babies and those who support and perform this death craft in abortion clinics throughout this country must be challenged in the next four years. Think of those whose lives are snuffed out on a daily basis in America. This must totally grieve the heart of God to have blessed our nation above every nation in the world and then for us to sink this low.

There is much to undo from these last eight years of being adrift. I will have to say in my heart of hearts that I do appreciate and applaud Vice President Al Gore for not further dividing our nation in his concession speech. In many other countries this election would have been decided by revolution in the streets as even some suggested in this country.

Thank God that our system forgives, and hopefully learns from each situation, reflects and goes on. That's where God's people come on the scene in the "forgiveness arena." Why should we forgive? (Matthew 6:14-15.) Whom should we forgive? (Luke 17:3-4.) How can we forgive? (Galatians 5:22-25)

I will to the best of my ability attempt with all my heart to do this. On the other hand, when the soul of America is at stake and America is at bat, rest assured we will be stepping up to the plate. God Bless God's people and God Bless America.

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County School System, and a former Army chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville, and will be moving to a new location near Senoia hopefully by Christmas. Prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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