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Wednesday, December 6, 2000

Ignorance is the real 'constitutional crisis'

What do you suppose is the greatest disservice the Clinton presidency has done to the nation?

PTC folks not alone in big box battles
One Citizen's Perspective

What do Aurora, Colo.; Morgantown, W.Va.; Orange Beach, Ala.; Asheville, N. C.; Arlington, Texas; Huntington Beach, Calif.; and a dozen other towns found in just one cursory Internet search have in common with Peachtree City, Georgia?

Indecision 2000 Christmas carols .
Laugh Lines

Time for my annual parody carols and I don't think there is much I can write on except the continued election coverage, so...

Letters to the Editor

It's past time for this bitter election to end

I am forever thankful that I live in a free country, free in literally all of the senses of the word. I recognize that I am free simply because there are law that proscribe the upper, and the lower, limits of this freedom. I am certainly not free to shackle my neighbor, to beat upon his family, to confiscate his property without due process, and a host of other definable actions that would infringe upon both his freedom, and my own.

Too much right-wing fantasy among readers: Get a grip!

I don't expect much from many of your froth-at-the-mouth readers, but until this week your articles have been at least thought-provoking, if slanted. This time, however, your little extrapolated fantasy really stepped over the line. Perhaps you could pen-pal with Timothy McVeigh... maybe pick up a few pointers in paranoia and overreaction.

Questions raised about DOT approval of Hwy. 54-Wal-Mart traffic plans

If you are an avid newspaper reader, you are probably aware that the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has been crashing into some ethical tidal waves lately. Some skillful reporting has exposed the fact that some GDOT directors were obtaining unusually high prices for their land that is being sold to GDOT for right-of-way.

PTC, cities receive much more than their fair share of local option taxes

Here's a simple way to demonstrate that Peachtree City receives much more than its fair share in local option sales tax.

Thanks for helping vets with Buddy Poppy sales

Thanks what a simple word to express the gratitude and appreciation of VFW Post 9949 to all the citizens of our community for your generous Veterans Day support of our Buddy Poppy distribution.

Thanks, Panasonic, for your gift to J.C. Booth

Our class would like to thank publicly Mr. Toshiyuki Imazu, president of Matsushita Communication Corporation's Panasonic plant here in Peachtree City for his kind and generous gift to our classroom.

If only Al Gore could learn lesson Sauder learned

Congratulations to the voters in Cobb County who had the good sense to turn out former Republican-turned-Democrat State Representative Randy Sauder. Sauder showed that he fit very well into the party of Bill Clinton and Al Gore when he deceitfully waited until the last moment to announce his switch to the Democratic Party, in his unsuccessful attempt to avoid any competition for his reelection.

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