Sunday, November 19, 2000

How do your feel about the election?


When I was in seminary in the '70s it was popular for every professor and class mate to go around and ask everyone, "How do you feel about this or that?"

To me it got nauseating and didn't make much sense. It got carried to the absurd. In other words it didn't seem to matter about truth or what God's Word said about an issue or what the law said or even an issue passing the logic test. It was all about "feelings."

Then the commercials began coming out with slogans and logos like "Just do it." It was a time when "feelings" were king. It also began a time when divorce started rising off the charts. It began a time when every vestige of decency or what had been considered right was being questioned and in many cases trashed. The bottom line was that whatever you felt, you did. It even got to breaking the laws of the land.

So here we are in the new millenium with the election of our first president. Some people don't "feel" right about the electoral college since Al Gore doesn't have enough votes to take it over the top. So since some people don't "feel" that he has enough votes they "feel" that we should continue to hand count them, and hand count them, and hand count them, and hand count them until they "feel" like he won the election.

What has always separated us from other countries has been the fact that we are a country of laws and our laws set up under the Constitution have served us very well. I personally even believe that God has set our nation aside to do great things for Him and His kingdom's work and we should never take that lightly.

Yet here we have an election where the Gore campaign are attempting to trash our electoral process because they "feel" if enough people sit there and recount these cards enough times, they will get their desired results. It reminds me of the monkey tests that if a monkey stays in front of a keyboard long enough and hits the keys over, over, and over, he will eventually type his name!

I wonder how these poor cards will hold up being handled so much. I can see it down the road that they will one day say they "feel" that a new election needs to take place. They can then go on TV and declare that they "feel" that the whole United States needs a hand count.

At some point their "feelings" need to "feel" that the laws of our land need to be upheld. Those are the "feelings" that need to be listened to.

We also need to pray for the voters of Florida, especially when they go into the voting booth.

Enough is enough. Go to the laws of the land. They have served us well. Our feelings can get us into great peril. We live by facts, not feelings.

Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of "His House Community Church" (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army Chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville, (but not for long.) We will be moving to our new land location near Senoia in late November. Prayer line (770)-719-2365 E-Mail


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