Sunday, November 5, 2000

If you wish to defeat liquor by the drink, you must vote at the train depot in Fayetteville!!


It is wonderful how Godly people in Fayetteville have stepped up to the plate time after time and kept our community a great place to live.

The struggle to keep it that way will always be a tough one.

I wish to share parts of a letter I received from a Christian friend, Ted Climo. I have his permission to share this with you. I wish to also publicly thank him and others for standing up for this very important issue that will affect our families and children for generations to come. His letter is to me a pastor.

"Dear Pastor, I am writing to you because God has entrusted some of his people to your care. As our shepherds, you feed us, you lead us to the living waters of Jesus and you help protect us from the evil one.

"As a member of the flock, I am so grateful for your leadership! There are so few people willing to stand up and be the salt and light Christ commanded. Consequently, the righteousness you preach from the pulpit burns brightly as the moral compass many people have available from public leaders today.

"I am writing you on the specific topic of a sneaky vote about to take place that could bring liquor by the drink into Fayetteville. I was shocked to find out that a local real estate developer had managed (after five years trying) to get a "restricted vote on the ballot. Here's the kicker if people don't know that the only place you can vote for this is at the "old train depot," then they will never get a chance to vote it down.

"Here are the facts:

"1) Only city of Fayetteville residents are allowed to vote. Other county residents have been excluded.

"2) These voters will have to vote at their normal place for all other topics (like the presidency, etc.).

"3) Then they will have to go to the old train depot and vote about bringing "liquor by the glass" into Fayetteville. The liquor choice will not be an option at their normal polling place.

"The motives of this sneaky tactic are clear. Christians in Fayette County have stood so strongly against this issue in the past that a sneaky (low publicity, city resident only) vote is expected to slip through unnoticed.

"They are hoping that voter apathy will be their ally. We must be salt and light in this fast sliding world. We must go the second mile for Christ Jesus. We are His bride, He deserves our commitment, our love.

"I was mortified to hear of a Christian lady who believed that passing liquor by the drink was the only way to attract "good restaurants" to Fayetteville. Drunk drivers are killing God's creation every day."

Ted Climo, thank you for your stand. Your banner is my banner.

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of "His House Community Church" (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County School System, and a former Army chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville, and will move to a new location near Senoia around Thanksgiving 2000. Prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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