Wednesday, October 25, 2000
County health department provides wide range of services affecting all residents

In any jurisdiction, the health department could be described as one of many government agencies largely overlooked by citizens until they have an urgent, direct need for it.

Change your perspective
I was going through some articles I have collected on parenting the other day and I came across an article that was a collection of thoughts from fathers.
Taking safety seriously can add to Halloween fun
Parents know that kids want to be scary and spooky during Halloween, but don't forget visibility.
Tips for Boo-tiful skin
Between all the ghosts, goblins and gags, Halloween is scary enough without having to worry about zits and other skincare issues.
The burden of tobacco use in Georgia
When we think of the end result of tobacco use, what normally comes to mind is the anguish of addiction, and the enormous physical and emotional toll of catastrophic disease.
Tobacco use widespread among Georgia's middle school students, survey finds
More than half of Georgia's middle school students experiment with tobacco products, according to a study released this month.
Government publications available for breast cancer information
Every three minutes a woman in the United States learns she has breast cancer. Your best defense against the disease is having all the facts and early detection.
SRMC pediatric team offers unique attentive care to children and parents to ease anxiety
The pediatric team at Southern Regional Medical Center adds a personal touch to the care provided to children scheduled for surgery there.
Getting the clear picture on Lasik eye surgery
Tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? Considering Lasik eye surgery?