The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 4, 2000

Frustrated cable customer drops lawsuit idea


Randolph Mills says he is dropping his plans for a class action lawsuit against AT&T Broadband because not enough people are interested in joining in.

The company, which took over Fayette County's cable television service after buying MediaOne, came under sharp criticism last month from county officials and customers because of lapses in service and poor response to complaints.

Company officials say the problems have been largely attributable to its efforts to completely rebuild the county's aging cable lines and facilities, replacing them with state-of-the-art fiber optics.

In a recent meeting with county officials, the company promised to do better and agreed to a series of checks and balances. Mills, meanwhile, said he received only 15 responses to his call for participation in a class action suit.

"It looks to me like the big companies have the little people scared," he said in a letter to The Citizen.

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