Friday, September 1, 2000

Red Cross gives water safety tips

With the Labor Day weekend ahead, American Red Cross officials are reminding everyone to exercise caution when swimming and playing near water.

Chris Hughes, educational services product manager for the Red Cross, said senseless drownings occur primarily because people especially parents let their guard down. Hughes offered the following Labor Day water safety reminders:

Never leave children alone in or near the water. A drowning can occur in a matter of seconds.
Always swim with a buddy.

Know your swimming limits and stay within them. Don't try to keep up with a stronger skilled swimmer or encourage others to keep up with you.

Swim in supervised areas only.

Water out for the dangerous toos: "Too tired," "Too cold," "Too far from safety," "Too much sun," and "Too much strenuous activity."

Always wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket when boating and fishing.
Alcohol and swimming don't mix.

For additional water safety information, contact the Red Cross at 404-575-3144.

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