can get green thumbs
Do your children enjoy
digging in the dirt, playing with worms, eating insects and picking
the neighbors flowers?
If so, they may be candidates for a new program offered by the Fayette
County Extension Service, the Junior Master Gardener Program.
This program is open to current third, fourth, and fifth graders
and will meet the first and third Thursdays beginning October 5,
from 4-6 p.m. at the Fayette County Extension Service, Suite 209A,
140 Stonewall Ave., Fayetteville.
Extension staff members, assisted by trained volunteers, will introduce
the children to plant growth and development, soils and water, ecology,
insects, diseases and more using age-appropriate, hands-on activities.
Among activities will be the Hamburger Plant, Coconut Float and
Gas Gobblers, to name a few.
For information or an application, stop by the Extension Service
or phone 770-460-5730 ext. 5412. Space is limited and registration
ends Aug. 30.