database up to 10,000
The Atlanta Regional
Commissions 1-87-RIDEFIND database has registered more than
10,000 area residents looking for car pool and van pool partners,
ARC announced.
The database is administered by Commute Connections, an ARC program
that provides ride matching services.
The program is designed to improve air quality and reduce traffic
congestion in the Atlanta region.
According to 1-87-RIDEFIND, metro Atlanta residents drive an average
of 34 miles a day at a cost of more than $10 in operations and maintenance.
Car pooling can cut those costs by 50 percent or more, and car pool
participants can use HOV lanes to save time.
Van poolers also can take advantage of federal tax benefits.
The RIDEFIND program lists interested commuters in a regional database
and will find available matches in two to seven days. The program
has implemented a procedure that validates all individual data and
routinely updates he database.
Research indicates that 86 percent of commuters in the Atlanta
region drive alone, said Bill Minter, program manager of Commute
Connections. With traffic congestion the number one concern
in the region, we expect the database to continue to grow as people
look for ways to take control of their commutes, reduce their stress
and save money.
To enter the database, phone 1-87-RIDEFIND or fill out an on-line
application at
The program also works with employers to help them promote car pooling
and van pooling in their organizations and providing hands-on assistance
to sign up employees who are interested.