The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, August 16, 2000
Dial going to work for Mattingly


When Fayette County Republican Chairman Eric Dial received the call from Mack Mattingly asking him to be his finance director, Dial says, “I did not hesitate. I said, `yes, sir.'”

Mattingly, who served in the U.S. Senate from 1981 until 1987, is running for the seat vacated by the untimely death of Paul Coverdell, a Republican. Gov. Roy Barnes appointed Zell Miller, former Democratic governor of Georgia, to fill the seat until a special election in November.

The non-partisan November election for the post has eight candidates, including Mattingly and Miller. Two candidates registered, then dropped out of the race.

Mattingly has the support and backing of the Georgia Republican Party.

“I felt it was my duty to serve in this position out of a profound respect for Sen. Paul Coverdell and his legacy,” said Dial. “I will give my full effort to see that his legacy continues by helping to keep this seat in Republican hands.”

Dial is a 1999 graduate and president of the Coverdell Leadership Institute. The Institute was started by Coverdell in 1996 to “build a cadre of leaders to successfully win and sustain elected positions, to make effective appointments and/or to grow the ranks of Republican leaders.” Each year a few candidates are chosen through a highly selective process to attend the institute.

Fellow Coverdell graduate (class of 1996) and Fayette County Commission Vice Chairman Greg Dunn said regarding Dial's selection, “Sen. Mattingly's selection of Eric to serve as his campaign finance director is a perfect choice. Eric's religious roots, total devotion to family, unquestionable integrity and impressive experience mark him as an outstanding young Republican of whom all citizens of Fayette County can be justifiably proud.”

Dial is not new to politics or fund-raising. He is currently the chairman of the Fayette County Republican Party, a two-year position. His local political activism began in 1994 when he worked with Paul Heard as his political director. In late 1994 he joined the office of U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, working first as his legislative assistant and then as constituent services representative serving as military affairs liaison.

In 1998 Dial joined the Southeastern Legal Foundation, a nonprofit conservative law firm, as director of development. During his fund-raising work for the foundation, Dial came into close contact with Mattingly, who sits on its board. Through Dial's efforts, the foundation has seen an increase in net profits, exceeding fund-raising projections this year by a quarter-million dollars.

During a recent meeting at Southeastern, Mattingly asked Dial about the foundation's financial situation. Dial jokingly told Mattingly that “it's doing well; we're a million over budget. Now I'm ready to turn myself over to Mattingly 2000.”

Dial later said, “I was joking. It never crossed my mind that I would receive a call from him.” Mattingly called Dial from the Republican Convention in Philadelphia after solidifying the party's support.

Regarding the challenge ahead of him, Dial said, “Zell Miller is attempting to attach himself to the legacy of Paul Coverdell. It is impossible for any Democrat to vote the way that Paul would have. A Georgia Democrat's vote in Georgia, where Democrats are in charge, is worlds apart from a Georgia Democrat in Washington, where they are in the minority. It will be the Kennedys and Daschles who determine how votes are cast in behalf of Georgia.”

He continued, “I am grateful to my wife, Cheryl, for her support in this. I will be working 14- to 16-hour days and it is not easy to be a `political widow' with two small children. As I attempt to do in all aspect of life, I am seeking the guidance and wisdom of God in this venture. I recognize we have a hard task ahead. I am committed to doing it.”

Mattingly is tentatively scheduled to speak at the Fayette County Republican Party's First Saturday breakfast in September. Due to the Labor Day holiday, the breakfast will be Sept. 9. For information, phone Danny Harrison at 770-460-0073 or go to the party's web site at

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