Local Republicans
wowed by convention By JANET MCGREGOR
County Republicans gave a rousing thumbs up to
the overall experience of the 2000 Republican
Convention in Philadelphia last week.
convention, beautifully done,
really exciting, were among the
superlatives used by those who attended.
Studdard, one of the two delegates from Fayette
County, said, We were treated like kings
and queens by everyone, from cab drivers to bus
drivers, the hotel people everyone was
a few glitches involving lost luggage, late
flights and canceled flights, everyone seemed to
be buoyed by the convention and excited about the
future of the Republican Party. A number of the
Fayette Republicans had attended one or more
previous conventions and rated the Philadelphia
convention as the best yet. The energy
level among the delegation was much higher in
Philadelphia than in San Diego, said
delegate Kathy Chamberlin.
delegates were chosen to represent Georgia's 3rd
District, which includes Fayette and nine other
counties. Two of the three delegates hailed from
Fayette County, a rare occurrence. Each
presidential election year a large number of
individuals vie for the coveted slots. They
campaign throughout the district for the honor
similarly to the way candidates seek elected
office. They are chosen at the District
Convention by a vote of all district delegates.
Those chosen typically pay their own way, which
can be an expensive proposition depending upon
where the National Convention is conducted.
feel extremely honored to have been chosen by the
people of the 3rd District, not once, but twice,
to represent them at the National
Convention, said Chamberlin. I wish I
could reach out and touch each person to say,
`Thank you for giving me this opportunity.'
was chosen as an alternate delegate in 1996 for
the San Diego Convention.
with Jean Studdard and Kathy Chamberlin, Lyn
Murphy, Chasity Mundy, Allison Chambers, Lane
Watts, Marilyn Watts and Margaret Vail
represented Fayette County at the convention.
all, the convention was a whirlwind of activity.
From shopping, to sight-seeing to hobnobbing with
stars in the musical, political, media and movie
world, all had tales to tell. Margaret Vail
attended a luncheon with Laura Bush, Vail and
Studdard had their pictures made with Bob Dole
and Lane Watts spent some time with Gen. Norman
Schwarzkopf and sat just a few seats back from
Dick and Ann Cheney one evening.
Murphy walked in to register at the hotel and
encountered Elizabeth Dole. She left Dole, moved
to the elevators just in time to see George W.
Bush and his entourage come off the elevator she
was standing in front of. Others talked of
encountering or talking with Chris Matthews,
Peggy Noonan, George Stephanopolous, Sean
Hannity, Bo Derrick, Rick Schroeder, Ed Bradley,
Tim Russert and Ben Stein from Comedy Central.
Watts was particularly impressed with George
Bush's speech, saying he had sharpened his
message. Of the convention she said, It was
a lot of fun. Nearly all of us were able to get
on the floor, which was real exciting.
continued, The city was really prepared and
the convention was well put together.
also was impressed with Bush's speech, If
people were not excited before hearing his
speech, they certainly had to be when he
P. Bush, Jeb Bush's son, also was a hot topic of
conversation among the ladies in the group. Bo
Derrick was mentioned, but didn't quite merit the
same level of enthusiasm.
the fun, much work was also done, mostly behind
the scenes away from the television cameras and
public. The Georgia delegation and officials
worked hard to bring everyone together behind one
candidate for the late Sen. Paul Coverdell's
seat. Chuck Clay worked furiously, contacting
members, trying to bring the various factions who
supported different candidate choices together.
Mattingly and Lewis Jordan talked with delegates
and sought their support. In keeping with the
mood set by George Bush and the national party,
the party worked together and ultimately
solidified to support Mack Mattingly.
Watts summed up the atmosphere at the Convention,
It was the most united I've ever seen the
party. I feel good about our chances of winning
in November.