Wednesday, July 26, 2000
Five a day for better health

Eating five fruits and vegetables a day is one of the most important choices you can make to help maintain your health.

Leading health authorities agree that increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet is essential for better health. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Academy of Sciences all recommend that Americans should eat a balanced diet low in fat which includes lots of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of cancer. Thirty-five percent of all cancer deaths may be related to what we eat — a diet high in fat and low in fiber.

Fruits and vegetables help reduce your risk of cancer because they are low in fat and are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber. A low-fat diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and includes plenty of high-fiber foods also decreases the risk of heart disease.

All fruits and vegetables are good for you because of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they supply. Vitamin supplements do not provide the same health benefits as eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables without added fats have no cholesterol and almost all are naturally low in calories, fat and sodium. Fruits and vegetables also help promote a healthy digestive tract.

People give many reasons why they think fruits and vegetables do not fit into their busy lifestyles. However, eating five servings a day may be easier than some people think.

People might wonder, “What is a serving?” One serving is 1/2 cup of fruit, 3/4 cup of 100-percent fruit juice, 1/2 cooked vegetable, 1 cup leafy vegetable, 1/4 cup dried fruit, or 1/2 cup of dried peas and beans.

Fruits and vegetables are easy to fix and serve, plus there is a huge variety to choose from. They are the original “fast food.” What could be easier than a carrot in your briefcase, an apple in the car, dried fruit in your desk, or frozen vegetables in the microwave?

There are many different ways you can get five fruits and vegetables in a day. Some suggestions include adding sliced fruit to your cereal; drinking 100-percent fruit juice rather than soda (buy the individual cans, bottles and boxed drinks); eating fruit or vegetables when you have a “snack attack” rather than the standard chips or candy bar; having a box of raisins close by; keeping cut raw vegetables in water in your refrigerator; adding raw vegetables or fruit to your green salad; adding vegetables to your main dish such as broccoli with your pasta or casserole; using fruits as a garnish on main dishes, adding chopped fruit or berries to muffins, cakes or cookies; or using them as toppings for ice cream or plain yogurt.

With today's busy lifestyles, we need to take advantage of the easy options such as precut, cleaned, and packaged fresh fruit and vegetables. In most cases, frozen and canned forms are just as nutritious as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Make sure when buying canned fruits and vegetables that you buy the ones packed in their own juices and the ones with no additives such as salt or sugar.

It is never too late to start eating five fruits and vegetables a day. The benefits that can be provided by eating five a day are important in improving your health.

If you have any questions about eating five a day, call the Fayette County Health Department at 770-461-1178, ext. 5416. A nutritionist is available to help you with a diet plan. You can also call the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER for information on five a day plus diet and cancer information.

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