Sunday, July 16, 2000
Hooters or Red Lobster?


By now I'm sure you have probably heard about the more than 200 concerned citizens that showed up this past Tuesday at the Fayette Council meeting to voice their opinions about the proposal from Hooters “Restaurant” to open their operation here in Fayetteville.

At the meeting, it was refreshing to me to hear all the comments. They ranged from 10-year-old boys to white-haired men and women. They all had one thing seemingly in common — they all were very concerned about the future of Fayetteville and the futures of their families.

Whereas the overwhelming majority seemed to be there to voice their opposition to the operation of Hooters, there were a few who in my estimation voiced the death knell of our morally sliding society. Some voiced the view that Hooters has the right to make a living, that we need to just let it come in and just don't support it when it gets here.

They forget the principle that if we want our children to learn good character, they must see good character being modeled. My wife, the educator, says it is Albert Bandura's “Social Learning theory.” I, the pastor, call it “practicing what you preach.”

The very presence of a brick and stone restaurant shows that society allowed it and condoned its being built.

I was part of the group that marched and demonstrated against the New York Video store in Union City when it came in under the guise of a “book store” and when they got their slimy hands on the “book store” property, they brought in more of their slime in their pornography. This, of course, was the plan from the start.

They are still there today because they slid and got into the saddle before anyone could act. Now is the time to continue to voice your concerns if you care.

When confronted with concerned citizens who don't want this type of business in their community, these promoters wrap themselves in the flag and hide behind the law and look for any loophole with which to foist their agenda upon us.

It is interesting that when soldiers come into the military, they must stand before the flag of the United States and raise their right hands and solemnly swear or affirm that they will defend this country against “all enemies both foreign and domestic.” Personally I strongly feel that this is a “domestic enemy.” Any operation that seeks to undermine the morals and marriages of families of America is my enemy.

I got to the council meeting a bit late last Tuesday, but I heard references to the “good food” that Hooters would be serving. That's like people who over the years would say to me, “Chaplain, I read Playboy for the stories.”

Sure they did.

If good men and women do not stand up and be counted, we will get what “we DIDN'T stand up for!” What about the “Red Lobster” part? I just threw that in while I was thinking about good food. If people want good food, and not panting men ogling short-shorts and tight tank tops, bring on Red Lobster!

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville, but not for long. It will be moving to its new location near Senoia in August. Prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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