Friday, July 7, 2000
Library bans cell phones, pagers


The Peachtree City Library has banned cell phones and beepers from all areas except the front lobby due to complaints from citizens.

The cell phone and beeper restrictions are part of a new conduct policy the library will begin enforcing Monday, July 17. All the ringing and beeping has brought complaints from other library patrons, said library technology and training manager Jill Kuhns.

“Our patrons have long complained about excessive noise in the library, and rightfully so,” Kuhns said. “They should expect to find an environment free of disruptive activity at their public library.”

Cell phones and pagers are only a part of the problem, Kuhns said, adding that patrons and library staff need to keep their voices down also.

The new conduct policy also covers issues such as mutilation of library materials and removing items without checking them out. Both offenses are considered misdemeanors under Georgia law, punishable by fines up to $1,000.

The conduct policy also requires that patrons refrain from the following actions:

Leaving children under 10 years old unattended;

Consumption of food or beverages within the public service areas of the library;

Any disturbance or behavior which interferes with normal use of the library;

Smoking or using smokeless tobacco;

Harassment of others, including library staff;

Putting feet on tables or chairs.

The conduct policy states that library staff can request violators of the policy “to stop the particular behavior, leave the building and, when necessary, call police for assistance in restoring order.”

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