Sunday, June 4, 2000 |
A public hearing to consider jail impact fees is scheduled for Monday night's Fayetteville City Council meeting. The first of two required meetings, it will be for informational purposes only. The city is considering whether to charge impact fees for the new county jail, as well as for the construction of a new police station. Possible revisions to the impact fees for transportation and fire services also will be considered. New street names are another topic on the City Council's Monday night agenda. According to city staff, the multiple realignments of what were originally South Lee Street and Ga. Highway 92 south have created some problems and made changes necessary. Although South Lee Street is no longer connected to Lee Street and old Hwy. 92 is not connected to the newer version, homes on those streets still have addresses that refer to the old names, causing confusion for emergency services personnel in the area. A total of three dead-end spurs are in need of new names, according to city staff. Residents of the streets in question made suggestions to the council at Wednesday's work session for new street names, mostly referring to names of families that have lived there for many years. If you haven't registered to vote and you want your vote to count in the General Primary July 18, you have just over two weeks to register. Those registering after June 19 will be ineligible. For information phone 770-460-5730, ext. 5408.