Sunday, April 23, 2000 |
Tax reform is on the table at the House Ways and Means Committee, including a proposed national sales tax and tax simplification, says Fayette's U.S. Rep. Mac Collins. I fully agree that the current tax system has become entirely too bureaucratic and cumbersome, Collins said. Collins said the committee is looking at various approaches to comprehensive reform, including the sales tax proposal called the Fair Tax, a flat income tax, or a simplified code. Collins said his constituents seem divided over the value of a flat sales tax compared to a flat income tax. Collins said adoption of either approach will require important adjustments by businesses, charitable organizations and families. We will need to be fully aware of the impact of every change in the system, he said. We are working on these problems, but I do not see any way to change the tax code until we have an administration that supports tax reform. Fayetteville's Planning Commission Tuesday will consider proposed changes in the elevation and additional educational space in the previously approved development plans for Fayetteville Church of Christ. Also on the eight-item agenda will be development plans for a 10,800-sq. ft. building for ABC Pediatrics on 1.75 acres on Kathi Avenue. The commission meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall. The group's decision on all items on its agenda are final, unless formally appealed to City Council.