The Fayette Citizen-Religion Home Page
Wednesday, April 19, 2000
The Resurrection – next to Creation, the most important event in history
By Rev. Dr. John Hatcher
Religion Columnist

I remember it so well. The astronauts had returned from their first landing on the moon (for the first time man on the moon). President Nixon had flown to the recovery aircraft carrier to welcome the moon men who had been isolated for fear of contamination. But President Nixon said, “This (man on the moon) is the greatest event since creation.” I thought, what about the resurrection? Where in the scheme of things —historical and a-historical—does the resurrection of Jesus from the dead come in? To me with a Bible in hand, it seems the important events are: creation, resurrection, and the third most important event has not happened yet.

Holy Week & Easter Activities

Moreland UMC to have Easter egg hunt, picnic

Members of Moreland United Methodist Church will have their annual Easter Egg hunt this Saturday, April 22. There will be a family picnic at 12:30, followed by games and activities.

Word of Life Church accepting applications for ministry classes

Word of Life School of Ministry is accepting applications through April 28 for those wanting to enroll during the second trimester.

Religion Briefs

Fayetteville UMC taking preschool applications now

The Child Development Center at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is accepting applications for the 2000-2001 school year.

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