The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, March 22, 2000
Republican Convention draws light turnout

Special to The Citizen

The Fayette County Republican Convention attracted a lighter than normal turnout this year.

Conventions are conducted during odd-numbered and presidential election years. The main purpose of this year's local convention was to select a slate of delegates for the upcoming 3rd Congressional District Convention April 15 in Columbus, Ga. and the State Republican Convention May 19 and 20 in Savannah.

Forty-three delegates and five alternates were nominated to represent Fayette County at the district convention. Forty-three delegates and 29 alternates were selected to attend the State Republican Convention. A designated number of delegates and alternates are allotted to counties based upon the number of votes cast for the Republican candidate for president in the 1998 General Election.

The ultimate purpose of the tiered convention process is to select delegates for the National Republican Convention in July, where the presidential candidate for the party will be chosen. Additionally, the process allows counties to provide input to the final Republican Party platform.

Platform and resolution statements are passed at the district convention that define the beliefs of the party. These are passed to the state level where they are considered by delegates at the State Convention. At the State Convention, the state platform and resolutions are adopted. The resolutions and the state platform are forwarded to the National Convention for consideration.

During county conventions the local Republican Party also honors the Republican of the Year, passes resolutions, elects party officers and makes changes to Fayette County Republican Party Rules if needed. This year, Mike Amos was selected as the Republican of the Year. Amos, along with Danny Harrison, Peter Pfeifer and Lisa Brown, also was honored as a Republican of the Quarter in 1999. Party officers, who serve a two-year term, were elected during the 1999 convention.

Four minor changes were made to the party rules that brought them into alignment with the state party rules.

Three resolutions were passed at the local Fayette County convention. A resolution commending Eric Dial, Fayette County Republican chairman, for his service to the local party was unanimously passed. Resolutions to support the 1996 Republican Platform through the July National Convention and to provide a unified commitment to electing a Republican president also passed unanimously.

The Fayette County Republican Party meets first Saturdays for breakfast at Baci Italian Restaurant at 9 a.m. The meetings are open to all. For information phone David Studdard at 770-461-7013, e-mail or visit

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