Friday, March 17, 2000 |
Teachers of the Year for each of Coweta County's 24 public schools have been selected by their fellow faculty members. The teachers will participate in the Coweta Teacher of the Year program, which the Board of Education presents annually with the Newnan Pilot Club. The 2000 Teachers of the Year from each school are: Kristin Skelly, Arbor Springs Elementary. Ken Spake, Arnall Middle School. Jane Davis, Arnco-Sargeant Elementary. Kim Hinely, Atkinson Elementary School. Ellen Thompson, Canongate Elementary School. Fran Bilon, East Coweta High School. Darrel Ervin, East Coweta Middle School. Contrell Middlebrooks, Eastside Elementary. Deborah Mack, Elm Street Elementary. Barbara Worth, Evans Middle School. Ona Alford, Fairmount Alternative School. Patsy Burdeshaw, Jefferson Parkway Elementary. Zoe Evans, Madras Middle School. Dot Moody, Moreland Elementary. Kim Griffith, Newnan Crossing Elementary. Carole Toole, Newnan High School. Elizabeth Robbins, Northgate High School. Ingrid Robinson, Northside Elementary School. Barbara Nivens, Poplar Road Elementary. Donna Johnson, Ruth Hill Elementary. Damon Skelton, Smokey Road Middle School. Jody Sapp, Thomas Crossroads Elementary. Page Broomberg, Western Elementary School. Wanda Bonner, White Oak Elementary. In 1975, the Coweta County School System participated in the first Georgia Teacher of the Year program. Coweta's 1999 Teacher of the Year Pam Brown is currently a semi-finalist for the state award. She is one of 10 semi-finalists from Coweta since 1986. Two of those, Jamie Lipscomb and Nancy Royal, were selected Georgia Teacher of the Year and Andy Denny was chosen as a finalist for the title.