Wednesday, March 1, 2000
In talking with numerous survivors of cancer in Fayette County, and doing research for the following articles, a few things came through loud and clear.

The amount of information regarding cancer is overwhelming and is changing daily.

New treatments are available, new knowledge is being discovered and the long-term survival rate for those encountering the various forms of cancer is increasing.

Early detection of cancer is important, if not critical.

A good support system can greatly increase survival rate and have a positive impact on quality of life.

Taking an active role and listening to “gut” feelings in individual health care is a must.

The information in this section barely touches on the many facets of cancer. Information for the articles in the section was compiled from talking with numerous Fayette County cancer survivors and volunteers and checking many of the resources listed in the “Researching Cancer Options” article and in talking with various members of the American Cancer Society's 24-hour staff.

The faces of cancer in Fayette
Although the statistics regarding cancer may not seem encouraging, the future regarding cancer is growing brighter.
Early detection and taking charge of recovery are vital
Janet Beebe is a “real advocate for self-exam.” Beebe discovered her breast cancer while breast-feeding her third child close to 17 years ago.
Smith bounces back, gets involved helping others
Robyn Smith, 52, was shocked to find out she had breast cancer. Her mother had breast cancer in her 60s, and Smith had mentally anticipated the possibility, but not so early in life. She said, “When I first found out it was very unsettling. I said, `Why me?' Then I said, `Why not me?'”
Plenty of local opportunities to find support, get involved
Data support the convictions of many local cancer survivors — a good support system is key to surviving cancer and maintaining a positive outlook.
Researching cancer options
When someone is first told he or she has cancer, the reactions are as varied as the individuals and types of cancer.
Hearing aids provide important benefits
Hearing aids are remarkable devices. These small electronic instruments can make the difference between hearing and not hearing. They can allow a person to continue working, make communication with family and friends easier, or help a child learn how to speak.

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